Monday, September 22, 2008


Hi Everybody,
This month we welcomed everybody back to school. First class are a new group as many of them were in different classes last year. .It took a few days to get used to the longer afternoons but now we're all used to staying untill 2.30 each day. Some of the things we did in class this month include:
- Making a class tree which is on display in the class.

- Learning all about games inPE using beanbags and small balls.

-Going back over our alphabet and our numbers from 1-20.

-D'fhoghlaim muid go leor sa rang Gaeilge: Rudaí sa seomra ranga, An Corp, Ainmhirhe Éagsúla agus na Móthúcháín.

- We have done two bible stories this month: "The Story of Creation" and "The Garden of Eden".
Our Bible is always on display in the Sacred Space in the class.

This Wednesday we are all going to Hipkidz on Briar Hill to do a full our of PE. Everybody is really looking forward to it.

Well thats about it for now, see you all in school.....

Mr. Diarmaid Ó hAodha